How To Get Rid Of Boils With Epsom Salt – 2023 Complete Guide

Clammy skin is uncomfortable, but you know what is worse? BOILS! The sweat glands and hair follicles provide room for bacterial infection, which results in a small bump called a boil, pimple, or sore.

It can occur on any of your body parts, especially where you’ve bruises. It grows on your skin and becomes worse with time if not treated properly. Thus, it is important to get rid of boils as early as possible.

Every problem has numerous solutions, but each is not equally efficient or suitable. I’m here to save the extra time and effort you put in searching for the best remedy and explain the best way to clear boils.

This article is about how to get rid of boils with Epsom salt. A Salt? Yes. This is not just a common ingredient but true magic, which will give you crystal clear and flawless skin! So, let’s not waste more time and uncover the regal benefits of Epsom salt.

How to Treat Skin Boils with Epsom Salt

How to Treat Skin Boils with Epsom Salt

Boils – A Bacterial Infection

How to treat boils with Epsom salt is the second round of discussion; first, you’ve to understand what a boil is, how it develops, and the possible ways to treat it. It is a bacterial or staph infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus around hair follicles or scrapped body areas. The main reason behind this infection is the “lack of proper hygiene,” which is why people consider it embarrassing.

Symptoms Of Boils

Boils or sores are small bumps initially over your skin that cause swelling and redness around the infected region. But, after some time, this mini bump turns into a bigger and harder pimple which eventually turns into a soft yellowish head containing pus. Studies have found that boiling weakens the immune system of an infected person and might cause diabetes.


Boils are bacterial infections; thus can be treated with antibiotics such as amikacin, cefotaxime, cephalexin, amoxicillin, ampicillin, or more. But, these antibiotics have side effects, including diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, rash on the skin, vomiting, etc.

Besides, there are some DIY methods in which home ingredients are used to treat boils or sores. I found Epsom salt the most effective amongst all, and let me explain to you why!

Epsom Salt – Benefits And Use

Epsom salt or magnesium sulfate is a compound that is extensively used to ease soreness, stress, or other health issues. The reason behind its ample application is its affordability, safety, and easy availability.

Let me clear you, it is not the salt you put on your fries (that’s sodium chloride), but chemically a salt compound composed of magnesium, oxygen, and sulfur. It looks like table salt but tastes bitter and inedible.

Epsom salt is also called bath salt because it is dissolved in bathwater. The chemistry behind this story is that Magnesium and Sulphate ions of Epsom salt dissolve in our skin and fulfill the mineral requirement of our body. So, the first benefit is that Epsom salt satisfies the body minerals’ concentration.

Secondly, Epsom salt has a magnesium degree that essentially promotes sleep by reducing the stress level. How does it work? The emitted magnesium ions help your brain cells produce neurotransmitters that eventually induce the proper sleep cycle in your body.

Magnesium also plays a role in melatonin production, which is a hormone that encourages sleep. In short, low magnesium is a cause of stress, insomnia, or irregular sleep cycles, so Epsom salt is a great solution for that dilemma.

Over that, Epsom salt reduces the swelling and pain because it helps in clarifying all the toxins from your skin. The Epsom salt also absorbs the moisture, so if applied on a boil or sore, it will dry it out quickly and provide you soft skin-like magic. Numerous ways are answering how to get rid of boils with Epsom salt, and I’ll mention the best ones below:

Epsom Salt Bath/Soak

Epsom Salt Bath

Take two cups of bath salt and dissolve it in the warm bathwater. Take a bath for 15 to 30 minutes to reduce the infection. If you don’t want to take a salt bath, soak the boils in this Epsom salt water for minutes. You have to repeat it daily two to three times to get effective and fast results.

Epsom Salt Paste

In this method, you have to make a smooth paste by mixing Magnesium Sulphate in water at 1:8. It means that you’ve to dissolve a cup of Epsom salt in eight cups of hot water. Now soak a cloth in this mixture and gently apply it over the boils for 10 minutes. Follow this step daily until the boils vanish.

Epsom Salt Compress

Add 2 tsp of Epsom salt in 2 cups of hot water to make a diluted solution. Dip a clean washcloth in this solution, and then squeeze it out to place it over the infected area. Keep the cloth piece on the boil for 20 minutes, and you’re done. Repeat the same process two to three times daily.


How to Treat Skin Boils with Epsom Salt

How do you get rid of consistent boils?

You can treat small sores or boils at home with different DIY remedies. In this article, I have explained how to treat boils with Epsom salt. Baking soda is also an effective antibacterial agent. However, if a boil grows larger, then don’t wait to seek a doctor.

Why do boils keep coming back?

Recurring boils or sores are the sign of MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) infection which means that staph bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics. So, the treatments are not effective in working against it.

Another reason boils keep coming back could be a rise in other staph bacteria in your body which might develop a carbuncle (a bunch of boils). Please see your doctor if the condition is a little serious about avoiding any larger infection.

Which foods cause boils?

Boils, sores, or pimples are mainly due to poor hygiene, but researchers claimed that some food items inflame your skin too. Mostly sugary foods cause boils or sores. For example, table sugar, high fructose syrup, corn syrup, fruit juices, soda drinks, white flour, bread or buns, rice, noodles, pasta, and boxed cereals.


Nothing is incurable! Boils look ugly and embarrassing but can be treated easily with a common salt called “Epsom salt,” which is inexpensive, easily available, harmless, and extraordinarily beneficial.

It is used to reduce stress, improve sleep, diminish redness or swelling, dry out a boil, minimize inflammation, and much more. Then, what’s the point of spending bucks on expensive and ineffective antibiotics which cause side effects? Go and grab your Epsom salt to enjoy flawless skin.

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